Abstract Submission
Rules and Regulations, Guideline for Abstract & Presentation Guideline 8th JUF
Rules and Regulations
Before submitting your abstract, please carefully read the following guidelines:
- Abstract submission starts on May 1st, 2025, and all abstracts must be submitted before 11:59 PM on June 14th, 2025.
- The work described in the abstract must not have been published or presented (in manuscript or abstract form) elsewhere before submission to Jogja Urology Forum 2025.
- Abstracts must be in English and should be uploaded through our website.
- For clinical studies, authors must confirm that they have obtained appropriate ethical clearance prior to conducting the study.
- Only one author may submit an abstract.
- Abstracts must be written and presented in good English. Authors are not allowed to revise a submission after acceptance. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject or request immediate revision of submissions presented with poor English.
- Acceptance of a submission is based on the scores given by at least two reviewers.
- Authors will be informed about the status of their submission via email on June 20th, 2025.
- The acceptance process is considered finished after payment of the conference fee.
- Abstracts cannot be revised or resubmitted after submission.
Abstract Guideline
- Abstracts of original research papers, case reports, and review articles (systematic reviews and meta-analyses) will be accepted.
- Original research and review articles must consist of five parts: Introduction, Aim, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
- Case reports must consist of three parts: Introduction, Case Report, and Conclusion.
- Abstracts must not exceed 2500 characters. Title and internal titles (Introduction, Aim, etc.) are not included.
- Abstracts are not allowed to contain tables, graphs, or images.
- Systematic reviews (with or without meta-analysis) can be submitted if they meet the following standards:
- Using the standard PICO format (Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome) to define clinical questions.
- Performing a comprehensive systematic literature search.
- Carrying out a risk assessment of bias.
- Clearly describing key findings, including clinical practice relevance.
Author Guideline 8th JUF
Online Submission
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Poster Submission
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